Pursuing infobiznesom and improving kopirayterskie skills, I have repeatedly over a notice that my attention is drawn to the marketing and kopirayterskie techniques used in promotions cellular teleshopping, headlines of newspapers, magazines, prices ending in 5, 7, 9 (for example, $ 39, $ 99, 3,795 rubles.), magnetic words, the bonuses to the product / service, etc. Until infobiznesa me this is not happening. So, sunny autumn day, walking through the city on the bus stop I noticed a corner of his eye glued sheet of paper on which the big bold letters was printed avon. Since I am particularly not in a hurry, and at that time did not yet know that a network company that sells makeup, I decided to read it. Was printed the following: avon most favorable terms! The biggest discounts! Telephone consultation! Office in the city center! Do not miss your chance to be the first! And the numbers on strips of Naturally, no numbers, I did not write, he went on, as the saying goes his way.
It immediately became clear that a person typed this ad (and then, by the way, it turned out they were pasted on all the stops city’s main street), consultant of the company’s network, can not write advertisements. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ali Partovi. Probably because the people who brought him, not taught to do it right. Or they both do, or a consultant he decided to used in the ad all the “loud” speech, which for me personally no effect produced..