These same brain flowed in Alexandria until the death of the library. Dell is likely to agree. Who and when it was destroyed, not well understood. It is known that in 47 BC. Oe. Caesar, unwilling to his fleet into the hands of the Egyptians, he burned the ships, and with them the port docks and warehouses, where there were about 400 thousand papyrus scrolls, which were supposed to send to Rome. Some ancient historians, however, write that not only burned the scrolls, but the library itself.
However, the more likely it is that she stood still for more than three centuries, up until the reign of Emperor Aurelian. There is a widely used version, according to which the library was destroyed by the Arabs in VII. Mr. Oe. Known words, allegedly belonging to the Caliph Omar: "if the Greek books repeat the Koran, they are useless, and there is no need to save, if they contradict the Quran, they are harmful and must be destroyed.
" After the sentence the entire collection of Alexandria seems to be have used for kindling baths. Legend curious, but unable to find evidence in the texts of the most respected authors and are unlikely to be historical fact. It is driven by only one historian who lived in the same 600 years later, he describes the events. Nor was customs of Muslims to destroy the monuments of foreign cultures. (Tours italy, czech republic, holiday tour, holiday tour UAE) Arabs unfairly blamed for the death of the ancient library, actively participate in creating a new one. Money. When subscribed Aswan Declaration, the United Emirates, Sheikh proposed $ 20 million contribution to Saudi Arabia amounted to 23 million, Saddam Hussein, just before the Gulf War, posted 21 million The total project budget of more than 200 million. Honor to spend the money awarded to anyone not known to the Norwegian firm Snohetta. Its proposed architectural design was selected from 500 submissions from 40 countries. Six years after the start of work can be seen almost final outcome. Construction of granite, glass and aluminum is impressive. The appearance of a futuristic, look no traces of antiquity. Only a hint of it – support the glass roof of the column and the solar-round (the traditional Egyptian symbol for) the disc to the roof. With 160 meters in diameter, it serves as a great and unique window through which, thanks to the slope at 16 degrees, offers wonderful views of the Mediterranean sea from the sunlit interior. This happens in andorra tours, vacation tour Dominican Republic, Austria, ski tours.