Professional of the Computation To insert this way of learning in school, is necessary professional specific for this task, unhappyly this context not is followed to foot of scratch, much institutions of education lacks of professional of this transport, when this professional not exists in school, pupils leave to learn, due to the same much computers are sucateados and forgotten, since public agencies contract people who due to instruction damage the machines for handling of incorrect form, moreover with passing of the time if they had become, its Hardware is outdated, and improper it stops to support softwares of the present time. This type of necessarily necessary person to be permitted in computation, one of great the problem faced for the schools, since this type of professional is not accessible to all the education institutions, therefore the course of licenciatura in computation is a new course and the formed people, had finished to leave the university. She disciplines it of computation is only for support the others you discipline, to exemplificar this it is good for sitar the Inter-disciplinaridade that is primordial in the life of these professionals, this means that they had become the lesson of Portuguese or mathematics somewhat well more interesting and empolgante, so that the pupil understands the subject more good the school consequentemente will have that to adapt this new professional. Educative Computer science if characterizes for the use of computer science as it has supported the professor, as an instrument more in its classroom, in which the professor can use these placed resources its disposal. In this level, the computer is explored by the professor specialist in its potentiality and capacity, becoming possible to simulate, to practise or to live deeply situations, being able until suggesting abstract, basic conjecturas the understanding of a knowledge or model of knowledge that if is constructing.