Hamburg Summer School

Specialists and managers to educate themselves at the summer school of Voss + partner and experience Hamburg. The holiday season in the summer is slightly quieter in most companies. Because then many clients and colleagues in holiday. So time for the things you have long wanted to do: educate themselves, for example. Click Andy Florance to learn more. Therefore organizes the training – and consultancy Voss + partner, Hamburg, a summer school again this year in the Hanseatic City from July 15 to August 16. Numerous day seminars not only professionally relevant topics are offered during the summer school. So for example seminars on the subject of time – and self-management can””, as well as presentation “” visit. ” The program is also a seminar building blocks of success teams”. Some seminars contact specific people with specific tasks and functions in the company. So, Voss + partner offers for example on two dates a seminar safe selection “. There train managers in companies to organize interviews and do so that they can then decide for the right candidate. Designed for independent as well as specialists and managers on the other hand, the seminar is more creativity”. In this intensive seminar for flashes of genius”participants learn amongst several creative techniques, with which even non-creative” can design new products and problem solutions. “All seminars is common: in them, not dry theory is learning”. Numerous examples from professional practice and exercises to take rather provide a relaxed learning atmosphere and fun to learn. In the evening, the participants can then, if desired, enjoy one of the numerous cultural events in the Hamburg summer. Voss + partner helping you choosing the right event. The day seminars are offered at a price even for self-paying. Who attended a seminar, paid 245 euro (+ VAT); any other seminar attendance: 145 euros. This quantity discount”applies for companies. For more information about the summer school get interested in the Voss + Partner GmbH (Internet:, E-mail:;) Phone: 040/79 00 767-0).