Michael Richter

To competitors, potential partners, customers and market segments, to price expectations, procedures, etc., depending on the category. For the vast number of corporations is the everyday business. Code.org is likely to agree. But smaller companies, mainly, that the Yes anyway not could be for them, because we understand our customers think they understand and, and we get along just fine ‘. That may be so, as long as one has only a 20 or 40 customers, but not growth, aims connected with new customer, new market segments, additional representatives, all over the world, etc, etc.! Then it’s going to be difficult, because suddenly there is E.g. a variety of market segments, or even countries that were previously little known, which offer a potential customer, and that, if growth is to be achieved, separately to examine and treat are. Internally and externally. At the latest, best but before, we need a careful marketing strategy.

And this must be then both the personal sales include whether directly or through distributors as well as an Internet strategy,. Of course you can continue to, as so far, mur competition (also from all over the world!) might think ande4rs, and hunt down us customers or our ‘ market segments shrink or even occupy. And then? Reminder: corporations (which started as small) have considered at an early stage that, otherwise they wouldn’t be here, where they are today. 2012 stands before the door, there will be time Michael Richter – international marketing and sales consultant, Seekirch – deals for more than 35 years with strategic marketing. By the market investigation, to the planning and successful marketing, the various investment and durable goods, on all five continents. The resulting knowledge and experience he offers its global customers for marketing and Sales, in particular SMEs. In addition, it offers worldwide practical support, coaching, corporate seminars and also the creation of successful websites. Michael Richter – international marketing and sales consultant 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany marketing country experiences = = Tel. 07582-933371