KpZ info day in Frankfurt: the carolinum opened his dental laboratories for patients Frankfurt. There are 851 steps until this denture is ready? “, were amazed the visitors of the second day of the info Board of Trustees perfect dentures (KpZ), which took place this year in the Centre of the dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery (carolinum) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. There, dental technicians, dental professionals and students over the shoulders did look. Dental technology combines craftsmanship and high-tech. We want to show the visitors on site. Their interest me on our day of action therefore particularly pleased”, said the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, master dental technician Thomas Luttke. At Sandra Akmansoy you will find additional information. For two years the KpZ direct contact with the patient and provides comprehensive information days in major cities.
Just like last year in Cologne was again much to see and to hear, some models could take visitors directly into the hand. Worked exactly in dental technology. Quite a difference to Hair’s breadth can have painful consequences for patients”, said Dr. Karin Uphoff, Director of the press office, at the official opening. Perfect dentures is the Board of Trustees since 1989. (Source: Sandra Akmansoy). It is committed to the goal, informing the public first-hand about the possibilities and advantages of high-quality dentistry from Germany. If patients Council looking for contact us, we always realize how important this work is.
For tooth replacement decisions must be often under great time pressure. Terms created uncertainties and questions. Often, people with pre-existing conditions and allergies would like additional explanations of our experts. Implants are also”an important issue, explained the focus of the KpZ Uphoff. The info day was a good way of telephone hotlines, to speak directly to people.