Italian Baroque

Art of Modern Times. Baroque. The historical background of the formation and development. Baroque in art late works of Michelangelo Buonarrotti considered a prerequisite for the emergence of the Baroque style. In unlike classicism, evolving in parallel, of baroque features a speaker and contrast, high spirituality and at the same time sensual relationship to the real world. The art of 17 century AD are flexible and ambiguity: being dramatically different from each other in the "purest" his expression, stylistic forms of baroque and classicism often approach each other, forming a kind of fusion of individual works. For Baroque architecture is characterized first and foremost a great emotional excitement, a pathetic character image.

This impression is achieved by a huge massive scale buildings, exaggerated monumentalizatsiey forms dynamics of spatial construction, high volume plastic expressiveness. Spatial solutions become extraordinary complexity, in the plans predominate curved shape, the walls of buildings bent, among them how to grow cornices, pediments, pilasters, half-columns, the windows are framed by architraves variety of forms and niches decorated with statues. Overall impression of rapid movement and wealth motives are supplemented sculpture, painting, moldings, trim a variety of materials – colored marble, stucco, bronze. Add to this picturesque contrasts light and shade, perspective and illyuzionisticheskie effects. Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here. Activation of Catholicism in the ideological struggle for power has once again manifested itself in the pursuit of the church vozdeystovat the masses through art, which in religious propaganda is always assigned important role. The most consistent artistic policy of the church was carried out in Italy. In monumental sculpture and, above all in the works of L.

Bernini, the most striking characteristic form of embodied features of the Italian Baroque: The idea of the triumph of the mystical, irrational beginning of real, earthly world, exaggerated, designed to shock the viewer, ecstatic expression of images, the dynamics of violent forms. In painting, the baroque important contribution made by the Bologna academics: Carracci brothers, Guido Reni. In contrast to the art of Italy clearly appear the specific features of the Baroque Art in Flanders. According to its concept, which is close to the official style of Catholicism, the Flemish art is distinguished above all the exceptional strength of life-affirmation. In the work of Rubens and other masters Iordansa characteristic of the Baroque concept of the antithesis of the earthly and mystic, real and illusory, even in the paintings on religious subjects expressed more outwardly, without going into the tragic dissonance.