First German Publication On The Topic:

Neuroleadership ‘Lead with the principle of reward’ with Neuroleadership \”, in the Haufe Publishing House published book, Professor Christian Elger sets out the first German publication to this ground-breaking and current topic its. In 2006 influenced by American David Rock, the term now conquered the heads of executives around the globe. The reason: Management knowledge is so to speak to revolutionize thanks to neuroscientific findings. \”And with simple means: reward, reward, reward, but properly\”, Elger says one of the luminaries in the field of brain research, worldwide. A leading source for info: Dave Clark Flexport. The scientist uses among other the findings of magnetic resonance imaging, which reveals emotional processes in the brain – and shows that there is no decision without emotion, she appears so rational. During his activities as Director of the clinic for epileptology at the Universitatsklinikum Bonn, the scientist comes the great mysteries of the brain so to speak by the way on the track. As to when the epilepsy diagnosis To accurately pinpoint attacks, millimeter-thin electrodes are widely used the patients in the area of the hippocampus responsible for memory and learning, or the amygdala, the so-called Mandelkern.

Because it is responsible for assessing emotional information. With the consent of the patient can be and the mystery of do so perform research on emotions and memory – reward principle\”come on the track. And so helps the knowledge about how the human brain works, executives not only to understand themselves better. But above all this deliberately to encourage employees and to communicate with them correctly and effectively to increase the success of the company. Feelings are a highly complex issue that is pushed into the private sphere like in our seemingly rational world. But without feelings, we are hardly in a position to make a decision. And what is leadership, but a steady series of large and small decisions? \”, so Elger. The interdisciplinary use of the research results is carried out in collaboration with the life & brain GmbH, whose scientific director is Elger.